Drug-free, non-invasive products that support and enhance Sports and Fine Motor Skills Development

Proprioceptive Motor Skills Trainers

Sporting and Motor Skill Trainers are anatomically shaped increase devices designed to amplify the volume and accuracy of proprioceptive signals between our peripheral nervous system and the Motor Cortex of our mind
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What are motor skill trainers and how do they enhance sports and motor skill learning?

They are precision Laser cut from Hypoallergenic medical tape and are provided as a set of multiple peel-off trainers shaped to match the size and anatomy of the joints involved in the sporting or motor skill being learnt.

How do they work ?

We are able to move smoothly and in a co co-ordinated manner, due to our Brain’s knowledge of where our limbs are at any moment, how much force is acting on them, and what muscle contractions are needed to move our limbs into a position so that we can undertake a desired action.

This is all made possible by a continuous steam of information from specialised position and force sensors located in our joints, muscles, tendons and skin. This stream of information produces our sense of Proprioception (sense of movements and location) and moves from our peripheral Nervous System through to the Motor Cortex of our mind, that controls and plans movements.

However there are many factors that can degrade our sense of Proprioception, including immaturity of the neural networks in young Children, sporting injuries in young Adults, trauma and surgical interventions in Adults, and Dementia, Arthritis, Stroke and degeneration in the Elderly.
Proprioception sensory signals move through subconscious neural networks, so we are generally unaware of this constant flow of communication. It also means that we are unaware of when it is not working correctly, or is being overwhelmed or failing altogether.

By creating enhanced Proprioceptive sensory feedback, individuals can unlock their fullest potential, whether they are athletes aiming to achieve peak performance, individuals recovering from injury, or anyone seeking to learn a musical instrument or to improve their overall well-being, fitness and Skills proficiencies. Our solutions are backed by scientific research and designed to empower individuals to reach new heights in their personal and sporting pursuits.
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