Drug-free, non-invasive products that support and enhance Sports and Fine Motor Skills Development

Who We Are ? (Perceptive Neuroscience )

Please allow me to introduce you to the Perceptive Neuroscience Team.

My name is Jeff Edwards, and I am the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Perceptive Neuroscience. I live in Perth, Western Australia, where we have a Mediterranean Climate that encourages a great love of the outdoors and all things sporting and physical.

Perceptive Neuroscience is a privately owned company, created and funded by a small groups of like minded individuals that also make up the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consists of myself, Doctor Christopher Quick, Mr Glyn Denison.

We are honoured to have a number of eminent and internationally recognised leaders in the fields of Sports Medicine, Physiology and Neuroscience assisting and advising us with our products, plans and ambitions.

Our Mission is to develop Drug-free, Non-invasive, Non-Habit forming neuro-physiological products and technologies that can assist in :

  • Accelerated learning of sporting and fine motor skills in children and adults
  • Enhanced stability and anti-fall products for the ageing
  • Brain training tools for fine and gross motor control for children with neuro-diversity, neurological and learning disabilities
  • Advanced rehabilitation and fine motor skill re-establishment aids for the Elderly, who may be struggling from Motor Skills Loses as a result of accident, surgery, trauma, stroke, dementia or age related joint degeneration.

Knowledge Sharing

We will also seek to pass on our knowledge, learnings and insights in the complex and emerging fields of Sports Neuroscience, Fine Music and Fine Motor Skills.

While the basic concept of Motor Skills, was first proposed in 1906 by the English neurophysiologist Sir Charles Sherrington, an understanding of the mechanics of memory,

learning and Motor Skills did not start to emerge until the first Magnetic Resonance images of the human

brain were obtained in 1978 by two groups of researchers at EMI Laboratories led by Ian Robert Young and Hugh Clow.

The first clinical MRI scanners were installed in the early 1980s and our knowledge of which parts of the brain are responsible for memory formation, consolidation and recall have grown from that time.

We will share with you, the Sporting and Motor Skills secrets and tips that we have and will continue to uncovered and make those available to all, through this web site.

We will regularly post on Fun and Beneficial activities you can do with your children and within your extended family to improve and enhance sporting and Motor Skills


We are still researching, developing and testing our products, and will be making those available through our Online Shop facility in the near future. Please subscribe to our Newsletter, and we will keep you up to date with anticipated product launch dates, and report on any new and interesting and breakthrough discoveries published in leading Peer Reviewed Scientistic Journals.

We will also share with you links we find to groups and web sites with excellent information and advice.


It is our ambition to establish and support an on-line global community of like-minded people with a passion or interest in Sporting and Fine Motor Skills.

We will encourage discussions, comments, and experiences from all. .

We will seek your comments and experience with our own produce as well as with others, and we will seek your suggestions of what Sporting, or Motor Skills products that you would like to see us add to our range.

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