Drug-free, non-invasive products that support and enhance Sports and Fine Motor Skills Development

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What Is Proprioception ?
Perceptiveneuroscience.com • May 12, 2024

What Is Proprioception ?

Proprioception, our sense of body position, along with Kinaesthesia, our sense of movement, provides our body with the ability to…
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Perceptive Neuroscience
Perceptiveneuroscience.com • May 12, 2024

Who We Are ? (Perceptive Neuroscience )

Please allow me to introduce you to the Perceptive Neuroscience Team. My name is Jeff Edwards, and I am the…
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What are motor skills
Perceptiveneuroscience.com • May 12, 2024

What Are Motor Skills ?

Motor skills are special type of long-term memory, that we acquire through repetition and practise. There are a range of…
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Perceptiveneuroscience.com • May 12, 2024

What are Sport Motor Skills?

Sports, Fine and Gross Motor Skills are special types of memories that we acquire through practice and repetition. By repeating…
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